What is qEEG?
“Quantitative EEG (brain maps) is used to help assess the kind of brain training that holds the most promise”
Types of brainwaves:
Gamma brainwaves are very fast EEG activity above 30 Hz. Some of this activity is associated with intensely focused attention and in assisting the brain to process and bind together information from different areas of the brain
Beta brainwaves are small, relatively fast brainwaves (above 13–30Hz) associated with a state of mental, intellectual activity and outwardly focused concentration.
Alpha brainwaves (8–12Hz) are slower and larger. They are generally associated with a state of relaxation.
Theta (4–8Hz) activity generally represents a more daydream- like, rather spacey state of mind that is associa- ted with mental inefficiency.
Delta brainwaves (.5– 3.5 Hz) are very slow, high-amplitude (magni- tude) brainwaves and are what we experience in deep, restorative sleep.
What is neurofeedback?
The process of neurofeedback includes a cap of sensors being placed on the scalp to measure the brain’s electrical activity. Changes within the brain can be accomplished through stimuli presented to the brain in audio and visual forms. These changes can positively impact our everyday lives by improving and enhancing our thoughts, feelings, behavior, and performance.
Neurofeedback can include games, activities, or tasks that teach the body flexibility and adaptability in regulating our attention, cognition, executive functioning, processing speed, memory, stress responses, emotional regulation, trauma, traumatic brain injury, seizure, autism, reading, mood, and sleep.
This definition was ratified by the ISNR Board of Directors on January 10, 2009 and edited on June 11, 2010"